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(More customer reviews)The second DVD in the 15th Season of Power Rangers continues to impress right where the first one left off. "Power Rangers Operation Overdrive - Volume 2: Torhu Diamond," continues with episodes 7-12 (out of 32 total,) and is on part with the first Volume. Once again, each episode contains Chapter stops placed precisely where commercial breaks were in the original Cablecast/Broadcast episodes, features full opening and ending credits for each episode, and continues to keep the theme of the extras consistent.
As with the first volume, there's a little something for everyone, fans will be happy to have 100% unaltered episodes on DVD -- there's no typos on this disc or episodes differing from their original airings either which should please older fans and collectors. Parents will be pleased to find that for $15.00 they get six episodes and two bonus features, making this disc well worth the money spent. Also continuing the theme from the first disc are the bonus features, which include a set of shorts on the Ranger Arsenal, replacing the Bios on the previous disc, and the second level of the interactive DVD Game which children will probably like, especially if they've played the first level on Volume 1. (The game makes more sense when you play it in order, although this isn't required.)
Again, the technical quality of the DVD truly shines, as the transfer from digital tape to DVD is pristine, placing the first two volumes of the show on par with each other, and with the Power Rangers S.P.D. release. The menu theme of the Operation Overdrive Command Center is retained from the first Volume providing continuity between the two discs, and fans and DVD collectors alike will appreciate the fact that Disney has accounted for its wide fan base and included promotional materials for films such as "The Jungle Book," and "National Treasure," in its extras of titles coming soon to DVD/Theaters.
What's more, as with the first volume, this disc has switchable (on/off) English Subtitles (mismarked as "Closed Captioned,") for the hearing impaired.
For those who may not be privy to the plot of the 15th Season of Power Rangers, our heroes set out to recover the "Crown of the Gods," known as the Corona Aurora, which was discovered by the Red Ranger's father, an archeologist, and accidentally used to release two evil brothers. Soon after more evil aliens start showing up at earth, all trying to claim the Corona Aurora as their own, and the five jewels that go with it. Disney was smart to use a plot involved five jewels, rather than four or six, or any other combination. The reasoning behind this statement is that the first six episodes cover the first "Jewel Quest," the second six episodes cover the second "Jewel Quest," and I'll let you figure out how the other Jewel Quests will play out. The show has also gotten smarter over the years, plots aren't resolved in 22 minutes all of the time, some aspects of a particular Jewel Quest may take three or four episodes to be truly resolved, others may be resolved within a few minutes, or by the end of the episode. This is a series that requires patience for the full enjoyment of what it has to offer, but can also be enjoyed in single episode viewings.
Again, whether you're a die-hard adult fan whose been with the show since the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, a DVD collector looking for a first, a child looking for his or her favorite show on DVD, or a parent looking for a show to entertain your children on a long car trip or a rainy day, this disc will not disappoint. I recommend purchasing Volumes 1 & 2 together to save money via Amazon's Super Saver Shipping, and to be ready for Volumes 3-5.
Included on this disc are the following six episodes:
7. At All Cost
8. Both Sides Now
9. Follow the Ranger
10. Lights, Camera, DAX
11. Face to Face
12. Face to Face II
If you're still looking for more after buying Volumes 1 & 2 which contain the first 12 (out of 32) episodes, Amazon has Volume 3 available for pre-order which is scheduled to contain episodes 13-18, and will be followed shortly by Volumes 4 & 5 which will complete the 32 episode series.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive, Vol. 2 (2007)
Five brave teens set out on an exciting global treasure hunt to track down five long-lost jewels from the Corona Aurora, Crown of the Gods.They must decode mind-crunching puzzles, embark on mythical adventures and overcome spectacular battles or Dark Forces will wear the Crown and evil will be unstoppable.The Entire universe’s fate rests in the hands of Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive.
Click here for more information about Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive, Vol. 2 (2007)
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