
See Arnold Run (2005) Review

See Arnold Run (2005)
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Having seen Pumping Iron and numerous Arnold Schwarzenegger movies throughout the '90s, I was quite curious about this made for TV bio-pic, especially when Arnold is now semi-retired as a movie star. Not that I didn't enjoy this movie, I am just a bit disappointed that it's less than 1.5 hours and it mainly focused the bodybuilding and political careers of Arnold. I wished they had expanded the plot to skim through his rise in Hollywood as an action star.
Roland Kickinger(young Arnold the bodybuilder) and Jurgen Prochnow(present day Arnold the governor of California) are given equal amount of screentime. I think there is more appeal and comedy value on Kickinger's part, and he's more impressive, because his body and accent is near-perfection to Arnold of the early '70s. He may not have look very much like Arnold, but I think he really captured the essence, especially when he was working out and the posing at the competition was truly matching what Arnold did Pumping Iron. He had a dream beyond bodybuilding. Afterall, he was the best of the best in the world of bodybuilding, and he was "hungry" for more. He was ambitious of becoming a movie star, and get paid $1 million per picture. Before getting there, he had to make his ground breaking Pumping Iron documentary that would eventually propel him to mainstream stardom. During his intense training days, he frequently got flashbacks of his unhappy childhood in Austria where he was unloved by his father and abused by his older brother. Later, we learned that the child Arnold was inspired by Hollywood muscle god Steve Reeves to become a bodybuilder. At the top of his bodybuilding career, he decided to break up with his long time girlfriend who wanted him to settle down and have a family, but he was dreaming of better days filled with fame and fortune.
The politician Arnold is very confident and determined to win the election and be the first bodybuilder turned movie star to become the governor of California, and his rivals attacked him by digging into his "colorful and wild" days of his early years at the gym and movie sets. They want the world to remember that he had been misbehaving with many women and that he had said some racy and disrespectful in Pumping Iron. With all the scandals just days before the election, his wife Maria Shriver(Mariel Hemingway) who was an ex-political career woman stood by him and supported him all along. The debate scene between the candidates were quite funny. For instance, Arnold told the female candidate that there was the perfect part for her in the upcoming Terminator 4! Of course, we all know that Arnold eventually won the election and it was the talk of the nation or globe even. Even though Jurgen Prochnow looks quite a bit like the Arnold, but he's a little older and didn't have the right physique and accent.

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