Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I recomend this movie to teachers of Spanish who want to include in their selection a light-hearted movie with family as a topic at its heart. The actors' accents and idiomatic expressions are true to their characters and authentic: Fernando Allende is Mexican, just like his character, Armando Gutiérrez. Nydia Caro is Puerto Rican, just like her character Lulli. The main characters' mothers have come to join their household; their names are the same the VIrgin Mary has in Mexico (Guadalupe) and in Puerto Rico (Providencia). The Gutiérrez's son is engaged to the daughter of a Cuban father and an Argentinian mother; their daughter, to a very dark-skinned gringo. They converge in their house to celebrate theire son's engagement. The situations and crises the characters go through are very comical and it all has a happy ending.
The family is modern, upper middle class but tradtions and cultural references to the different countries represented in it are there. The enunciation of the characters is clear enough for intermediate and advanced classes in Spanish.It has subtitles to help those in lower level classes. The script is more suitable for a half-hour sitcom than a movie and the editing isn't the best. Its value is more in cultural and linguistic richness.
This is a movie for those who want to see a different aspect of Hispanic cultures, a fresh modern one not based on corruption, politics, drug-trafficking, and guerrilla movements in poverty-ridden backgrounds.
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Cultures hilariously collide in this crazy, warm-hearted comedy about the often perilous journey toward family harmony. Popular film and TV star Fernando Allende is Armando, a suave radio disc jockey trying to hide his sexy secretary from his jealous wife. Meanwhile, he's caught in the unrelenting power struggle between his mother and his mother-in-law, both from very different and equally proud cultures. If that's not tough enough, his son plans to marry the daughter of a sophisticated Argentine mother and a streetwise Cuban father who add a unique layer to the family's multicultural blend. Un divertidisimo choque de culturas es el tema de esta alocada y calida comedia acerca de los peligros que abundan en la busqueda de la armonia familiar.La popular estrella de cine y television Fernando Allende es Armando, un meloso disc-jockey que trata de esconder a su sexy secretaria de la celosa de su mujer.Entretanto, se encuentra en medio de una implacable guerra de voluntades entre su madre y su suegra, ambas de culturas muy diferentes e igualmente orgullosas.Y como si fuera poco, su hijo quiere casarse con la hija de una sofisticada dama argentina y de un padre cubano astuto, que le agregan un matiz unico a la mezcla multicultural de esta familia.
Click here for more information about Que Familia Mas Normal (2004)
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