
WWE: No Way Out 2009 (2009) Review

WWE: No Way Out 2009 (2009)
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I give this ppv a solid A. The crowd was into it the whole night which always makes it better and the matches were awesome. Best thing about this ppv...it was hard too predict with how the matches turned out.
The first chamber match was the better one in my opinion. Undertaker, HHH and Jeff Hardy put on awesome performances. Kozlov was okay and big show was pretty good. Edge...well he was eliminated in like 4 mins which i don't think any one saw coming because it has always come down to the champ and someone else. Great spots though, great back n fourth wrestling, and it coming down to HHH and Undertaker made the match that much better. Actual match lasted like 37 mins as well. 10/10 2nd best chamber match of all time
Orton vs. Shane was a very brutal match-up. They slowly beat the living h*ll out of each other and there were plenty of spots. Orton's cut was just nasty and it played to his sick character really well. Shane going from the coast to coast to the flying elbow drop was just awesome. I have never seen anyone go from a big spot to another with in about 30 seconds. Great Match with no disappointment's...except Orton winning. 10/10
Swagger vs. Finlay was decent. Some good old school wrestling but the problem was...this match followed a chamber match and a no holds barred match that both lived up to the hype soooo this match in some ways was boring. Should of been first or 2nd or mayb just not on the card. 6.5/10
JBL vs. HBK was put together very well. There is a couple times when it seemed like HBK might just lose. HBK's wife being ringside though sitting there crying really made the match that much better. The sweet chin music that HBK hits JBL with was justas beautiful as always. Good match, very entertaining and HBK wins. 8/10
There's a lot to say about this match, first of all Edge takes Kingston's place after beating him down, Mysterio surprisingly eliminates Kane, then Y2J eliminates Knox, then here comes edge who puts on a good show with Mysterio and Y2J and then good old 8 to 9 move Cena comes in, beats the h*ll out of edge and then right when he was going to hit the F-U, Y2J hits the codebreaker which leads to the 619 and then a spear and then...guess what, Cena is gone. So guaranteed new champ. Mysterio eliminates Y2J after rolling out of the Walls of Jericho and then this is when it gets very exciting. Mysterio in my mind was MVP of last night with all his spots he pulled off. He came so close to winning on about 4 pinfalls but once he ran to Edge and was thrown into the bulletproof glass...that is when it was all said and done. Edge the n hits the spear and the guy who lost title then won another.
Overall this was a great ppv and the road to Wrestlemania is so fat very good. Be interesting to see what the two title matches are now that Edge and HHH are the guys to beat!

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It's the last Pay-Per-View event before WrestleMania 25 --a last chance for the Superstars of Raw, Smackdown, and ECW to showcase their skills and prove they belong on the grandest stage of all. Key matches will decide who seeks championship gold at WrestleMania 25. Featuring Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Batista, Edge, Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, and more!

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