
Do You Know the Muffin Man? (2007) Review

Do You Know the Muffin Man (2007)
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This film looks at the McMartin trial of the 1980s from the point of view of one afflicted family and assumes that the children were telling the truth. Although the names have been changed to protect the "innocent" this movie uses so much of what those trials were about. Seen in this light the movie is more than a horror story because it does not bring into account the interrogations of the children by Kee McFarlane. There is a therapist mentioned numerous times in this movie but his storyline only implies to the fact that Kee McFarlane had planted false memories into the minds of the children, essentially brain-washing them into believing the McMartins had commited various child-abuse crimes. Where the actual horror of this movie comes in is the descriptions of the abuse taking place at the preschool.
After fleeing justice two of the young teachers actually manage to set up residence in another community and attempt to continue forcing their sickness on children.
From this point of view, if you believe the children, the movie is angering because it tells to much of the horrific allegations brought against the McMartins.
Since this movie is a fictionalized account of the so-called "witch-hunts" of the 1980s I would not take much of this as the truth about the McMartin trial.
However as an account of the allegations of that era and the power these types of allegations wield due nothing more to than rumor it is a horror story of a justice system no longer in control of itself.

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