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(More customer reviews)My daughter has been in to Jon & Kate since they first came on tv, and even now that they aren't together anymore she still likes to watch the old episodes. She loves them, I don't know if she has a preference of past seasons dvd's, she has all of them and it seems like she watches them equally, I think she likes this one because they get the puppies on one of the episodes and she loves dogs. I've read some of the reviews on the Jon and Kate dvds some saying how they noticed tension between Jon & Kate, lets face it, Kate has always been bossy from the beginning, maybe adults tend to over analyze, I don't think a kid is going to notice any difference from these episodes as compared to the earlier episodes. Besides, your either a fan or your not. My daughter is and she loves them.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Jon and Kate Plus Ei8ht: Season Four, Volume Two- The Big Move (2009)
In Volume 2 of the fourth season of Jon& Kate Plus Eight , fans follow the Gosselin clan as they finally move into a house large enough for everyone including some canine additions to the family! In one episode, eight-year-old twins Mady and Cara play Mommy for the Day. In another, they head to the orthodontist for the first time while their six siblings get their teeth cleaned. The family travels to New York on a press tour and then to Tennessee to volunteer at St. Jude s Hospital. They also find a way to fit in a trip to watch the Harlem Globetrotters in action! But the biggest focus in this Volume is the Gosselin s big move where we watch them say goodbye to the home where the kids have grown up and where fans first fell in love with this unique and fascinating family.
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