
Boomtown - Season One (2002) Review

Boomtown - Season One (2002)
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I'd say a lot more about NBC, but I don't want to be sued for slander. Suffice it to say that the day they canceled this show after only two airings in the TV-graveyard of Friday nights, I promised to never watch any new NBC drama again. This was one of the most well written dramas i have ever seen, with characters that really carried the series. It wasn't just a situation drama, the protagonists were flawed and human yet still larger than life. I am happy to see that it's coming out on DVD and I'm more than willing to pay up for it (and I don't usually buy TV shows on DVD). Hopefully DVD can do for "Boomtown" what it has done for "Family Guy"; resurrect it back for a new season in the future.
If you want to see good quality TV, watch this show. No one will ever remember "Lyon's Den" which killed it, or "Kingpin" which NBC tried to replace it with; but this show and NBC's shoddy treatment of it will be remembered as long as television exists.
Amended on Nov 3, 2004
I just wanted to say that I don't think Vanessa Williams ruined the show. I was willing to give it a chance and see where it would go from there, they never got a chance to focus an episode on her and it's only because NBC put her on at the same time that they forced the writers to be more "procedural" that we may think she brought the show down.
Me, i'm just smiling at NBC's predicament now, what with Lost and Desparate Housewives bringing intelligent and gripping TV back to us and them wallowing in last place with not one critical or ratings hit in site. Ah, Karma is a female dog...
As of April 4 2006, the only new NBC show I have watched is My Name Is Earl, and NBC still refuses to do the intelligent thing by teaming it up with Scrubs. I follow the West Wing out of respect in the downtime between the Simpsons and The Sopranos, but never again will I view an NBC drama series.

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Item Name: Boomtown - Season One; Studio:Artisan Entertainment

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